After experimenting with Aptana, Ganymede/Eclipse, the Ubuntu Eclipse package, and Netbeans on Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04, I came up with the following conclusions.
* It does too much -- there are lots of plugins that pop up by default, and every once in a while you get annoyed by interactive ruby consoles and windows that want you to install various gems.
* The CSS editor and JS editors are slow on large files
* Otherwise, it's a great IDE -- with good SVN support (subclipse) and good ruby hilighting (RDT)
* I got the latest version (3.4) and installed dynamic languages support and subversive (which is now the default SVN plugin).
* The subversive commit window fetches from the repository when doing diffs -- way too slow.
* I ran into an occasional and hard-to-reproduce bug where funky characters were inserted at the end of a line instead of a real line break (when cutting/pasting)
* Dynamic languages support screws up auto-indenting
* Really good ruby highlighting
* Tries to do a little too much with rake tasks, ruby console, and gem plugins
* Nice and small download
* SVN integration doesn't work for me because you can't easily checkbox a few selective files, and you can't easily perform diffs on the commit dialog box
Ubuntu Eclipse Package:
* Ubuntu ships with version 3.2. It will not work well with Java 6
* sudo vi /etc/eclipse/java_home (move /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun to the top of the list)
* Add eclipse update repositories:,
* Install Ruby Development Tools, Subclipse, Web Standard Tools
* Runs like a charm. Stable, and all features I want.